Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Things I Miss

Forget caffeine, lunch meat, tuna, and soft cheeses (or other things I haven't completely given up since getting pregnant).....the one thing I miss is beer. I love beer. A nice cold beer on a summer day is just about heaven. 9 months without beer is a small price to pay for getting a kid out of the deal, but I sure will be happy to enjoy a frosty, cold one again soon!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back to the blog world.

Linda said...

At the risk of sounding like a terrible person (which you know is true), can't you have a little bit? Michelle's always talking about Irish women who drink Guinness throughout their pregnancy on the advice of their docs. Do we need to find you an Irish doctor?

Rachel said...

I promise to have a big ice cold mug waiting for you once you have Finn!

Erin @ Simply Frugal Mom said...

Technically, I probably could have a bit....but I wouldn't enjoy it! I think I would feel guilty, even if I had the okay from my doc. I'd rather stick it out and wait until I can really enjoy one (or two!).